Tags :សកម្មភាពកុមារ


បណ្ណាល័យពហុឯកសារ | បត់ក្រដាស់

សាលសម្រាប់កុមារ ថ្ងៃសៅរ៍ ទី ០៣ ធ្នូ ពីម៉ោង ១០កន្លះព្រឹក ដល់ ១១កន្លះព្រឹក ៣$ (ក្នុងម្តង) ចាប់ពីអាយុ ៥ឆ្នាំ / (អ្នកចូលរួមយ៉ាងច្រើន ៨នាក់) កែច្នៃ បំប្លែង ធ្វើឱ្យមានជីវិតឡើងវិញនូវក្រដាសសៀវភៅចាស់ៗ ដែលបោះចោល ដែលមាននៅក្នុងបណ្ណាល័យរបស់យើងជាមួយនឹងកន្ត្រៃ ឬ ប្រដាប់កាត់ក្រដាស បត់ រួចលាបកាវបន្តិច ជាមួយការស្រមើលស្រមៃជាច្រើនដែលអ្នកចង់បាន ! ចុះឈ្មោះនៅនឹងកន្លែង ឬតាមរយៈ [email protected] ចុះឈ្មោះRead More


Movie | Winter Movie Selection

Movie theater For all Saturday 24 December at 10:30am $2 / $1 / Free for IFC students Various French version with English subtitles មានតែជាភាសាអង់គ្លេសប៉ុណ្ណោះ ! “Northern Lights” by Caroline Attia – 15 minutes Colin, since the death of his parents, lives with Karl, his Read More


Movie | The Nightmare Before Christmas

Movie Theater Saturday, December 24 at 2pm For all $2 / $1 / Free for IFC students Henry Selick (1993) English version with French subtitles មានតែជាភាសាអង់គ្លេសប៉ុណ្ណោះ ! Jack Skellington, king of Halloween Town, discovers Christmas Town, but his attempts to bring Christmas to Read More


Movie | Athleticus (Season 1)

Movie Theater Wednesday 4 January at 2pm / Saturday 7 January at 10:30am Young audience $2 / $1 / Free for IFC students Nicolas Deveaux (2018) Without speaking មានតែជាភាសាអង់គ្លេសប៉ុណ្ណោះ ! Wild animals compete in sporting events. From table tennis to high bar, high jump or Read More


Movie | En sortant de l’école

Movie Theater Saturday 14 January at 10:30am Young audience $2 / $1 / Free for IFC students Paul Verlaine (2021) French version with English subtitles មានតែជាភាសាអង់គ្លេសប៉ុណ្ណោះ ! A theme with 13 French-speaking poets and poetesses who evoke one of our most precious possessions, freedom. Read More


Movie | Athleticus (Season 2)

Movie Theater Wednesday 25 January at 2pm / Saturday 28 January at 10:30am Young audience $2 / $1 / Free for IFC students Nicolas Deveaux (2019) Without speaking មានតែជាភាសាអង់គ្លេសប៉ុណ្ណោះ ! Wild animals compete in sporting events in “Athleticus.” From table tennis to high bar, via Read More


Movie | The Crossing

Movie Theater Wednesday 1st February at 2pm / Saturday 11 February at 10:30am Young audience $2 / $1 / Free for IFC students Florence Miailhe (2020) French version with English subtitles មានតែជាភាសាអង់គ្លេសប៉ុណ្ណោះ ! >> LIRE EN FRANÇAIS << A small village Read More


Movie | In The Open Air

Movie Theater Saturday 18 February at 10:30am Between 3 and 6 years old $2 / $1 / Free for IFC students Divers directors (2003 – 2020) – 58 minutes Without dialogue >> LIRE EN FRANÇAIS << 8 short animated stories, for young and old, take Read More