Movie | Très Court

មានតែជាភាសាអង់គ្លេសប៉ុណ្ណោះ !

A “Très Court” is a 4 minutes max short movie. All kinds are represented: fiction, animation, documentary, music video, video blog…

It’s a movie format expending strongly, on TV and particularly on the Net. It’s now common to use tablet computers or mobile phones to watch these very short videos. Très Court International Film Festival is an event without borders, with screenings during 10 days simultaneously in nearly 70 cities in France and over 20 other countries. The major program of the festival is the international competition. Forty films of less than 4 minutes representing the best and especially the shorter of the global audiovisual production year are presented each year.

Très Court International Film Festival is an event organized by Tout en Très Court and Nanosphere Productions. Also made acquainted with the festival team and discover our partners in this great adventure. Watch the trailer!

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